9 Delicious Go To Brunch Recipes For Easy Hosting
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9 Delicious Go To Brunch Recipes For Easy Hosting

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There is something special about regularly scheduled meal dates. Whether an every other week Sunday dinner, weekly coffee date or once a month brunch club, having a regular time set aside to catch up, share life and mingle over a table of food is restorative for the soul. After moving to Munich last May, our normal Sunday dinners took a bit of a hiatus as afternoon church took their place. While we didn’t mind this new schedule at first, I realized a few months back that I missed the regular, low key gathering around the table with friends but knew that an every other week schedule might not be attainable as we would be spending several months in Hungary this year for Charlie’s work. Enter: our monthly, Saturday morning brunch club. These Saturday mornings have become full of food and fellowship, baby snuggles and laughter as we linger over brunch until sometimes late hours of the afternoon. We sit and snack and talk and snack again, sharing both our hearts and food together. While traveling is wonderful, it is these ladies, these friendships, these times of mutual encouragement and discussion and discipleship that fill my heart more fully than anything. With that, I wanted to share with you some of the favorite, easily prepared dishes that have been shared around our table these past months including these 9 delicious go to brunch recipes in case you too might be inspired to start a brunch club.

Make It Easy, Make It A Potluck 

If you don’t host often, or if you are in a busy or challenging season of traveling, parenting or health struggles, committing to hosting regularly can seem quite daunting. To make it more manageable, don’t hesitate to make it a potluck, use paper products or pick up a few things from a bakery! Letting everyone pitch in and bring a dish to share not only reduces the stress from you, but also allows your friends to try out new recipes or foods they enjoy as well. Let the emphasis be on enjoying your time together to prevent the preparation of the food from being the hindrance for hospitality. 

Share What You’re Bringing 

If you plan on having a “potluck” brunch and have a smaller, more intimately sized group, let everyone share the category of what they’re bringing beforehand! In the past for Sunday dinner, we didn’t normally have a potluck style as I prepared the meal and everyone just showed up. For brunch club though, knowing our schedule of travel, each of my friends kindly said they wanted to bring something. For our first brunch, I did not previously clarify what people were providing, and we soon had a table full of fruit as almost every one of us had brought some. Thankfully, having a table of fruit is a wonderful thing, but now, I have learned each month to let them volunteer for a category of item if they would like to bring something. Now, I normally offer a few categories like “something sweet”, “something salty”, “fruit”, “juices” etc. so that we each are bringing something slightly different but with categories broad enough to make a dish we enjoy or that easily fits with our schedule. With a large gathering, this duplication concept rarely poses a large problem, however with a more intimate group like the 4 or 5 of us who meet regularly, sharing the category of dish beforehand helps to create a more balanced spread.  

9 Delicious Go To Brunch Recipes 

While I have not personally prepared each of these brunch recipes or recipe categories for our monthly brunch club, they have been items that have been shared around our table and thoroughly enjoyed! From quick no cook dishes to items with more intense preparation, each of these recipes or recipe categories lends itself to a delicious brunch spread. 

Sweet Rolls

Whether making homemade cinnamon rolls, quick orange walnut sweet rolls (like THESE from Joanna Gaines), apple rolls (like THIS perfect fall treat) or breaking out the canned variety, sweet rolls are a wonderful option for brunch. Soft, gooey and delicious served hot from the oven, these are sure to provide a great solution for anyone’s sweet tooth. 

Oat Cups 

While I have not made these myself, a friend of mine brought a version of oat cups (similar to THESE) filled with yogurt and topped with berries to brunch last month and they were such a hit! They provide a healthier alternative for brunch spreads while packing a powerful punch of protein filled with Greek yogurt and dressed up with your favorite toppings. 


Want to serve fruit? Whether displayed on a platter, cut up in a bowl or mixed as a fruit salad, fruit is such a fresh and beautiful addition to the table. For a flavor twist, mix your berries or stone fruits with fresh herbs to create a dynamically flavored and colorful dish like THIS Melon Strawberry Salad With Lime Mint Dressing. 

Fruit Galette 

Creating fresh fruit galettes have become one of my favorite ways to merge both fruit flavors and pastry goodness. Free form in nature, galettes are beautifully delicious with their bubbling center, browned sides and leaky edges. You can create almost any shape (like the cross form of THIS Easter Strawberry Rhubarb galette) or size for your galette and can use the pastry as a base to fill with almost any fruit. 


Much like fruit galettes, quiches are highly customizable and come together in a matter of minutes! Whether you make the dough from scratch or buy a premade shell, you can adapt the filling with add-ins to fit your tastes. I personally love to use THIS Three Cheese Quiche mixture as my base and then customize with mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach, ham and leeks or anything else I may have on hand! 

Crumb Cake

Whether made in a Bundt pan, cake pan, loaf pan or rectangular pan, not many deny the wonderful merits of a coffee or crumb cake as a subtly sweet addition to brunch. Crumb cakes are perfect for making the morning of or the day before for easy serving and are even better if you have leftovers because they can be enjoyed all day long. For a fruity variety, THIS Lemon Crumb Cake is perfectly light and not too sweet. 

Salmon Board 

While this might not be a favorite for everyone, I love a good salmon board. Add a bit of smoked salmon, fresh cucumber, radish, red onion, tomato, a creamy herb spread or cream cheese, sliced bread or crackers and any other tasty topping to create the perfect savory board for your friends to enjoy throughout your meal. Simply lay out your ingredients on a plate, platter or board and you are ready to go with no cooking required. 


Charlie loves muffins and while he is normally not a part of our ladies brunch, he loves if ever we have muffins left over. Whether making homemade or box mix, chocolate chip, blueberry, streusel, or any other flavor, muffins are a fabulous addition to a brunch spread. Beyond just being delicious, they also are extremely easy to adapt for the seasons, celebrations and life occasions of those around your table through decorative muffin liners. 

Breakfast Board 

Lastly, but certainly not least, a breakfast board is an easy go-to brunch recipe. Simply lay out a few breakfast meats (prosciutto, sausage, bacon, etc.), a variety of cheeses, slices of tomatoes, peppers or cucumbers along with a couple jams, jellies, and spreads (cream cheese, butter, nut butter, Nutella etc.) to serve with a few breads or bagels for an easy and beautiful display. Like the salmon board, this traditional breakfast board requires little preparation but is loved by all and can come together in a matter of minutes. 

Final Thoughts

Eliminating the question of what to serve by having a few “go-to” recipes can make hosting a brunch all the sweeter. Whether you have time to make a meal from scratch or want to opt for items that can easily be arranged with no cooking required, these 9 recipes provide a wealth of options and can be tailored to the specific tastes and interests of those you love. I personally have loved venturing into the world of brunch foods and have found that creating a constant time set aside to pursue those around me around a full, messy table brings such joy to life. So, do you have any “go-to” brunch recipes that you would love to share? Let me know in the comment section below or even share this post with a friend you might want to start a brunch club with! 

Happy brunching!


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A few of items I used and/or are similar to those shown in this brunch!

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  1. “These Saturday mornings have become full of food and fellowship, baby snuggles and laughter as we linger over brunch until sometimes late hours of the afternoon. We sit and snack and talk and snack again, sharing both our hearts and food together. While traveling is wonderful, it is these ladies, these friendships, these times of mutual encouragement and discussion and discipleship that fill my heart more fully than anything.”

    So, this part brought tears to my eyes! I am so thankful to God that you have found this community of friends! You are blessed and you are a blessing to so many! I love you! Mom D

    1. The Lord really has been so gracious in this season! Especially through friends. What a blessing and joy indeed! Love you!

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