Search Results for: flea market

Tour Bike Makeover: How To Paint A Bike
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Tour Bike Makeover: How To Paint A Bike

With so many cities and towns accessible by paths, lanes and walkways, bicycling is ingrained into European living. Having grown up in South Carolina enjoying biking from a recreational point of view, I now see bikes as both opportunities for recreation and primary means of transportation. After moving, Charlie and I instantly knew that we wanted to get bikes to travel around Munich, however the prices and process of coming by a bike became greater hurdles than we originally had expected. After researching and scouring the area, we determined our best bet to get a bike quickly was second hand through flea markets, Facebook marketplace or, as we ended up with, from bike tour companies. Tour companies that offer bikes for rent often cycle bikes out over time and frequently are willing to part with an older, but still in relatively good condition, bike for a significantly reduced price. While this was exactly the deal I was looking for, riding a bike that proclaimed “Mike’s Bikes Tours” wasn’t exactly the look I had in mind, and thus became inspired to give my bike a little makeover. If you have found an old bike, were given a hand me down or just want to freshen yours up, here are a few of the things…

Oushak, Persian And Turkish, Oh My! Important Questions To Keep In Mind When Shopping For Antique Rugs
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Oushak, Persian And Turkish, Oh My! Important Questions To Keep In Mind When Shopping For Antique Rugs

Having been officially living in Germany for exactly one week now, I am starting to settle in with a plethora of suitcases and Ikea furniture cardboard boxes littering the floor as evidence. Thankfully, Charlie already had several pieces put together when I arrived which has prevented total chaos, however some items are really better suited for the help of two people. Ikea is a furniture store favorite over here in Munich and while they do have many great items that we have added to our home as well, I haven’t wanted our house to feel as though we simply picked up the Ikea showroom and set it in our house. Seeing this, just days after my arrival, Charlie and I went scouring antique stores and flea markets to find pieces full of character. While these can be hit or miss, one of the most exciting purchases of the weekend was an approximately 9 foot long antique runner that now sits proudly in our hallway. We might still have boxes and suitcases galore, but this first fabulous rug find gives such a personal touch that instantly makes our apartment feel more like a home. See, that is the power of….

Furniture Refresh: How To Recover An Ottoman
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Furniture Refresh: How To Recover An Ottoman

Recovering furniture can be hugely influential in bringing new life to a space. Whether it’s a piece that has been in the family or is a flea market find, transforming its design with an updated style and new fabric can be tremendously satisfying. My mom recently reached out to me with such a project, as she had gotten a well-loved ottoman from my grandparents. While still in solid structural condition, the fabric was worn and dirty and the piece had long been separated from the chair with which it was bought. As she already had fabric on hand given to her by a friend, my mom was open to recovering the piece in an effort to bring new life to the ottoman and have it tie in a little better with the southwestern style boys bonus room where it would find its new home. With a little makeover to recover an ottoman, footstool, various chairs, or even a headboard etc, these pieces can once again become integral parts of your family’s home. While I certainly do not claim to be an official upholsterer, these next steps are the primary process….

Elevate Your Home With These 7 Budget Friendly Designer Secrets
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Elevate Your Home With These 7 Budget Friendly Designer Secrets

This post may include affiliate links in which we earn a commission, as we are supported by our users. All opinions expressed are always our own and any commissions earned are of no cost to you. Thanks for your support! When I worked as a student admissions ambassador for the school of interior design at…

Everyday Differences: 22 Things That May Surprise Americans In Germany 
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Everyday Differences: 22 Things That May Surprise Americans In Germany 

This post may include affiliate links in which we earn a commission, as we are supported by our users. All opinions expressed are always our own and any commissions earned are of no cost to you. Thanks for your support! It is hard to believe that in just under a month, I will have been…

Thrift Store Transformation: How To Make A Fall Candle
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Thrift Store Transformation: How To Make A Fall Candle

I love candles. There is something about having a candle lit in the background that instantly makes a space more cozy, scented and overall, pleasant. In a season that beckons us to nestle in and cozy up, fall seems to just scream for them. In recent years though, it feels like candles went from being the sweet little, $5 shopping treat to a full $15 or $20 gift. So, it got me thinking, why not make my own where I can determine exactly the scent and style while being less of an investment? After a bit of research and antique thrift store scavenging, I found the perfect pieces to repurpose into, not one but TWO, fall candles perfect for our home for less than $10.  If you are up for a little DIY-ing this fall, try this thrift store transformation and…

6 Wonderful Ways To Add Historical Character To Your Home
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6 Wonderful Ways To Add Historical Character To Your Home

Experiences, challenges and hardships build character, both inside and out. While I typically have thought of these scenarios as building personal character, I have come to see how they also can drive the character of one’s home. The places you have been, the memories you have made and the hardships you have faced frequently leave traces of evidence throughout your home, making your dwelling like no one else’s. In fact, it seems that regardless of the time period, location or project budget, this has rung true. Height measurements are scratched into doorways; initials are carved into trees; stone carvers etch symbols into walls to be paid; monograms are placed at entry points and woven in furnishings. I think that is the beauty of creating a home and learning about design through the ages. Experiencing in person the historical character and craftsmanship of the dwellings and public spaces I have studied and taught through design school has been such a sweet joy these past few weeks. I have been so inspired by the quality and character of these homes and buildings that I wanted to write a post describing six wonderful ways…