Floral designs to celebrate…

Lush, textured, bountiful blooms to celebrate life, encourage others & nourish the soul

Here at Porch & Peony, the “joy of purposeful living” does not only extend to home, travel or hospitality, but also to floral design. Floral design, whether created for weddings, sympathy, celebrations or everything in between, can bring such joy to a plethora of situations. Flowers, I believe, are an expression of the beauty of our Creator and a small glimpse of eternity we get to bring into our lives today. Whether designing a la carte or full service, our approach is to highlight this beauty with balances of color, texture and form and to give you the most beautiful product possible. We would love to come alongside you to bring your vision to life and help make your experience the very best. While we normally are located in the South Carolina Upstate, we currently are located in Germany, but are very willing to travel, so just let us know how we can help!

Floral Design Work

beautiful photography credit goes to:

Let’s connect Together

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